### PhD in Oceanography
During my thesis, my research line focused on the organic carbon dynamics in the ocean at regional scales, with special interest in their relevance in the global ocean carbon cycle. My main goal was to contribute to the understanding of the organic carbon exchange between coastal upwelling regions and the adjacent oligotrophic open ocean. My primary research tools were the interpretation and analysis of observational data, both collected in situ and remotely sensed, coupled with the use of physical-biogeochemical models. At present, my research line also includes the assimilation of real data, from ocean color and in situ profiles, into a 1/4 of degree resolution configuration of the NEMO-PISCES simulation for the North Atlantic. My main goal is to contribute to improve the accuracy of the biogeochemical component of the Copernicus ocean forecast system.
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (2017)
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (2012)
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (2008)
ICSE, University Alfonso X, Spain (2008)
Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy (2006)
Grenoble, France (2017-present)
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (2016)
Tenerife, Spain (2015)
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2012 – 2016)
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (2012 – 2014)
Fisheries Research Services Marine Laboratory (currently Marine Scotland Marine Laboratory), Aberdeen, Scotland, UK (2008 – 2009)
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (2008)
Santana-Falcón, Y. et al. (in prep). Towards the assimilation of ocean color data into a physical-biogeochemical ensemble simulation over the North Atlantic
Santana-Falcón, Y. et al. (in prep). Offshore carbon export mediated by two coastal filaments in the eastern boundary Canary Current region
Garnier, F., Brasseur, P., Brankart, J. M., Santana-Falcón, Y., & Cosme, E. (2019). An ensemble probabilisitic approach to reconstruct the biogeochemical state of the North Atlantic Ocean using ocean colour images, Ocean Science Discussion.
Santana-Falcón, Y., Brankar, J. M., and Brasseur, P. Towards a methodology for routinely assimilate ocean colour data into a NEMO-PISCES operational solution Oral communication. European Geosciences Union General Assembly. Vienna, Austria. (2018)
Santana-Falcón, Y., Benavides, M., Sangrà, P., Mason, E., Barton, E. D., and Arístegui, J. Annual cycle of offshore transport of organic matter by an upwelling filament off Cape Ghir (NW Africa). Oral communication. Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Granada, Spain. (2015)
Santana-Falcón, Y., Benavides, M., Barton, E. D., Sangrà, P., Mason, E., and Arístegui, J. An annual cycle of offshore transport of organic matter and chlorophyll by an upwelling filament off Cape Ghir (NW Africa). Oral communication. International Sympsium of Marine Sciences. Las Palmas de Grna Canaria, Spain. (2014)
Santana-Falcón, Y., Mason, E., and Arístegui, J. Biophysical model coupling ROMS and PISCES in the Canary Current Ecosystem. Oral communication. International Sympsium of Marine Sciences. Las Palmas de Grna Canaria, Spain. (2014)
Santana-Falcón, Y.., Mason, E., and Arístegui, J. A biophysical modelling approach to the Canary Current Ecosystem. Oral communication. International Sympsium of Marine Sciences. Cádiz, Spain. (2012)
Esporlès, Mallorca, Spain. 4-month visit. (2012)
Development of high resolution physical-biogeochemical solutions
Barcelona, Spain. 3-month visit. (2011)
Learning ROMS and coupling biogeochemical modules
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. R/V “Ángles Alvariño”. Coast of Gran Canaria (Spain).
Teaching fieldwork techniques. 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 seasons (~5 days each season).
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and IEO (Spanish Institute of Oceanography) R/V “Ramón Margalef”. Coast of El Hierro (Spain).
Biochemical tracers sampling. October 2012 (~10 days).
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (Germany) R/V “Maria S. Merian”. Coastal upwelling off Namibia.
Nitrogen uptake on-board experiment. Cytometry sampling. August-September 2011 (~36 days).
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and IMEDEA. R/V “Hespérides”. Eastern basin of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre.
Particulate and dissolved organic carbon sampling. May 2010 (~10 days).
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. R/V “Hespérides”. South Atlantic Ocean, from Ushuaia (Argentina) to Cape Town (South Africa).
Particulate organic carbon sampling and pre-processing. February - March 2010 (~40 days).
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. R/V “Hespérides”. Eastern basin of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre.
Particulate organic carbon sampling and pre-processing. October - November 2009 (~30 days).
Fisheries Research Services, Aberdeen. R/V “Alba na Mara”. North-northwestern coast of Scotland
Biochemical tracer sampling and processing February 2009 (~15 days).
Spanish (mother tongue), English, Italian and French.
French A2 (60h). IFRA-CNRS, Grenoble (France), 2018
French A1 (60h). IFRA-CNRS, Grenoble (France), 2017-2018
Advanced Level English (90h). Aberdeen-courses, Aberdeen (UK), 2009
Intermediate-Advance Level English (60h). The English Center, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), 2008
Advanced Level Italian (60h). University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), 2008
Italian for foreigners (60h). Università degli Studi di Genova (Italy), 2006 Computational
Numerical modeling
Experience in the management of numerical model outputs and the using of:
Other computing competences
I also have skills using other software and languages, such as Ocean Data View, SPSS, and ArcGIS, among others.
Experience setting up oceanographic instruments and analytical experiments.
Analysis of organic carbon and nitrogen. Use of elemental analyzer (CHN).
Analysis of nutrients from sea samples (AutoAnalyzer).
Experience at the sea
Participation in 6 oceanographic surveys and short sea samplings.
Course of “Personal Survival Techniques” by Falck Nutec, Aberdeen, UK (2009)
Advanced diver (ACUC International).
Divulagtion projects
Principia (http://principia.io/staff/yeray/). Writer of science-related articles
‘Ciencia Cercana’ (www.teldeactualidad.com). Biweekly column of popular science (2014-2015).
‘Ciencia Compartida’ @CienCompartida. Organizer of weekly scientifici talks. Marine Sciences Faculty. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain (2011-2013).